Sight of emotion
Making the invisible visible
SOE is a movement of passionate people who have dared to think outside the box, to dream without limits, to focus on the things that make what seemed impossible become a reality.
Gina Badenoch
SOE in the World Economic Forum 2020
We are excited to let you know we are going back to DAVOS World Economic Forum in 2020 to keep transforming more lives inviting everyone to move from LIMITATION to POTENTIAL from disABILITY to ABILITY, follow us in our journey while we get ready to get to the mountains In Davos.
"What I can highlight of my participation in Eyes that Feel is that in all this time they have helped me rediscover all the possibilities I have to continue being that talented and positive person that I am. Now I focus on what I do have".
Pepe Cordova
SOE Member
Pepe Cordova
SOE Member
"In SOE, I discovered that life is as good as I want to see it. Today I can live, vibrate, explore and marvel at myself."
Fabiola Miranda
SOE Member
Fabiola Miranda
SOE Member
"Eyes That Feel has been a milestone in my life. Everything I've learned has helped me to work on myself and my self-esteem. Now I can say that I know who I am and what I want in my life."
Hilda Barrera
SOE Student
Hilda Barrera
SOE Student
"Sight of emotion is a different association from all the others because of its mission-vision. "Now I can say that I feel more included; I always felt included but now I don’t have to carry the disability label with me."
Abraham Sorchini
former SOE student
Abraham Sorchini
former SOE student
"Eyes that Feel gives people with visual disabilities guidance and company to re-discover and re-invent themselves and overcome new challenges. In SOE, you test the tools to empower your capabilities and skill leaving aside the disability, focusing only on our ability to be and to exist."
Naivi Luis
SOE Student
Naivi Luis
SOE Student
SOE in numbers
Employment opportunities
Sensory experiences
People sensitized on disability issues
PVI have received training
*PVI : People with Visual Impairment

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